Wednesday 28 March 2012


Who says a pastors wife can not make liqueur!

I had half a bottle brandy deep down in a cupboard after making a Christmas cake some time ago.  After harvesting lots of strawberries during spring, I paged through all my books to get recipes and ideas to use it!  We are still eating frozen strawberries with our oats in the morning.....I cooked strawberry jam.....we've eaten bowls full of fresh strawberries......I've given away......then I got this recipe and I remembered the long forgotten brandy...........

Use firm, fresh strawberries.

You will need 250g strawberries, 200g white sugar, 125ml water and 500ml brandy......

Halve the strawberries and place in a sterilised bottle.  

Heat the sugar and water and stir until all the sugar dissolve. Cook the syrup for 5 minutes. Pour the syrup and the brandy over the strawberries, seal and shake lightly.

Keep in a dark place for at least 2 weeks.  Remove the strawberries by using a muslin cloth.  Bottle the filtrate and keep the strawberries in the fridge.

I used the strawberries in a muffin recipe!

Recipe came from "lekker vir later" by Annette Human....and I did not change this one as it was a first and I did not feel very adventurous!  Maybe you can use different berries.......

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