Wednesday 14 March 2012

project 8 ---- a table cloth with grannys crochet doilies

I am very sentimental and keep a lot of junk!  I always think I will make something else of it at a later stage.  Doing this, I kept crochet doilies from my grandma,  great grandma's,  mothers and my own!  Never to use them as I do not like a crochet doily on a table.

Some time ago I made myself this tablecloth using some of this very old doilies and received many compliments from different people.  Then when my sister came to visit me some time ago she was so impressed that she wanted one herself.  Soon after returning home, she sent me her doilies from the whole family!  I finished the last bit on hers last week, and before posting it to her, I decided to take a pic first. Mine's on the left and hers on the right.  As you can see, I used bigger doilies for hers.

All I have done was cutting rectangles from calico, then I sewed hems all around.  There after I pinned all the doilies in position and hand sewn them all together.  I have used four lanes of calico and three lanes on doilies for the table cloths, but you can make it any size to fit your table.

What a great way to use sentimental stuff you would not have used other wise! 

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