Monday 19 March 2012


With three teenage boys an a husband thats always looking for something sweet, I am baking biscuits at least once a week!  And when I work over a weekend, I do not even get a biscuit to have with tea on a Monday morning! ( I am a full time nursing sister working in the emmercency room of our local hospital)

I baked these just before the weekend, and luckilly took a photo then, as the cookie jar is empty this morning!

for the base.......................1 1/2 cup flour
                                           1/2 cup castor sugar
                                             15 ml custard powder
                                                15 ml corn flour(maizena!)
                                                   2.5ml baking powder
                                                      100g margarine
                                                         15 ml milk
                                                            1 egg
                                                                        Mix everything to form a dough.  Press into a 22cm baking pan and roll it flat.   Prick with a fork and bake for 10 minutes at 180'C.

for the topping......................60 ml margarine
                                               125 ml brown sugar
                                                  45 ml golden syrup
                                                     30 ml self raising flour
                                                       200 g peanuts( I normally use it as is, but I crushed it a little, as my youngest got braces recently, and I thought it would be a little hard to enjoy by him as well!)

Melt the butter on the stove.  Mixi in all the ingredients exept for the peanuts.  Stir for about 5 minutes.  it should not boil though.  Stir in the peanuts.  Spread the mixure on top of the base and bake it for another 15 minutes.  Let it cool and cut in in bars or squares.  BE AWARE....YOU CAN EASILY GET ADICTED TO THIS AND IT IS NOT GOOD FOR YOUR HIPS!

I got this recipe from a magazine a couple of years ago.  The original recipe had no sugar in the base wich will make it a healthier option, and I think they used some other nuts.  For growing boys and a husband the peanuts work well and it is affordable if you think how quick they digest it!    

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