Sunday 25 March 2012

project 17 -----------------making a patchwork quilt

This is my long term project........I am almost to scared to mention it......I hope to finish it this year!

I started making this quilt a couple of years ago, and it never came passed the 50x50cm size!  I recently decided that I have to finish it.  I placed it in front of the TV and now spend half an hour on week nights on this whilst watching my only soap!  You will be surprised how quick it grows!  It is now the size of 3/4 of a single bed!

My middle son came to ask me the other night ''and what was this?''. "Grandmas apron when we were kids" I replied. "And this?''.  " A dress grandma made me that we had a fight about because I did not like the material".  "And this one?".  "My matric dance dress". "Cool" he said.  Then I thought "pretty cool" and decided that this could lead to many conversations once finished, so here it is..... I will keep you updated on how it is going!  

I have cut hexagons with a diameter of 10cm and hand sewn every piece.  What a mission!

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