Wednesday 22 August 2012

Some weeks just go faster than others!  I can not believe that I am at the end of another off week again!  I am starting another weeks night duty tonight and it feels like I haven't done much this week!

I am cooking my favourite pork stew for supper and think I'll take a snap to upload it later on this week.  As I said before.... pork is not my favourite meat..... but this one I love!  Maybe it is the balsamic.....I love balsamic vinegar!

The family are quiet....not much happened this week....

My eldest son is in matric this year and we had to go and buy matric farewell clothes two days ago....what a mission!  What mom thinks is cool, is not so cool for him!  At least we got an outfit and I am sure he is going to look just great!  The problem now is to get him and the girl there, as every year the transport to the function is more extravagant.  Can you believe he wanted a horse with a cart!  Well, I could not find one in our small town, and suppose that will be my next weeks headache....finding a cool way of transport!  I suggested pushing he in on a wheelbarrow as he is really building some heavy muscles in the gym lately......he was not impressed!  I thought he could show off the muscles a little!  Ha ha!

Well.....enjoy your week!  Hope to do a post or two this coming week, bur it all depends on how busy I am during the night, as casualty can sometimes be strenuous!  But anyhow.....try some of the stuff I've posted up till now.....I am sure you will find something to keep you going!

Bye now!

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