Friday 3 August 2012

project 34...scones in your snackwich toaster!


My friend gave me this recipe and I had to try them!  Unfortunately or it can be fortunately....another friend came to visit the first time I was busy making them and between her boys and mine I ran out of cheese by the third batch I made!  Sooo....I added sweetcorn.....and the boys still finished it off!

I then thought that you could really make this recipe your own....maybe add a teaspoon of jam after scooping it into the snackwich pan?  Or add some shredded ham? Who knows all the possibilities?

You've got to try them...and they don't even cause heartburn! Ha ha!

Mix 4 tbsp cooking oil, 1 egg, 3/4 cup milk, 1 cup flour, 2 tsp baking powder (or just use self raising flour right from the start) and 1 1/2 cups grated cheese.

Scoop it into your snackwich toaster and cook until it has browned!  Sooo easy.....sooo good!  

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