Monday 20 August 2012

project 54--------pizza dough

Making your own pizza dough is so much better than shop bought ones!  I love shortcut, but pizza dough....I make it myself....

Knead together: 250 ml flour, 5 ml instant yeast, 5 ml sugar, 2 ml salt, 75 ml lukewarm water and 10 ml butter or margarine. Allow to double in its size.  Knee down and press in a pizza plate.  I normally use a rolling pin. 

The dough can also be frozen.  I have made some already rolled bases before and just froze it until I needed them.  I don't think I have ever mixed a single serving!  I always make more...3-4 times the amount!

The above mentioned amount makes one large pizza.

I use leftover dough to make mini lunchtime pizzas the next day.  Simply use a cookie cutter to cut small circles.

Spread with tomato sauce, cover with your favourite topping , add your cheese on top and bake the large ones for about 25 minutes in a preheated oven/pizza oven.  The tiny ones take about 10 minutes. 

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