Tuesday 7 August 2012

project 46......coffee ice cubes

Both my son and myself are drinking black coffee.  I hate adding cold water.  Then I saw this one...

The ice cubes were originally planned to be used in ice-coffee recipes, but adding it to a hot cup of coffee works just as well.  I even use it for cooking.  I like to cook beef in coffee, but never liked the idea of jugs of coffee standing in the fridge until the day I cook beef stew.  I happen to discard the coffee before I made the stew, and made fresh coffee for my stew.  But this works so well!

When you have leftover peculated coffee, don,t discard it....simply make ice cubes!  When the cubes are frozen, remove it from the container, dump it in a plastic bag.  Keep it in the freezer until needed, and see......absolutely no waste at all!

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