Monday 6 August 2012

Project 44......enlarging a skirt/pants

This one is not really a project, but a tip....but it works so well, I had to share it!

If you have read my previous chat, you'll understand what this is about!  The forever weight problem!

Yesterday morning I wanted to wear a skirt to church, and all of a sudden it shrank in the wash!  I am sure you had that experience as well before!  At first I thought I should have paid more attention to the 'shake promotion' yesterday......then I thought that I should get some exercise.....then I wondered what I should wear to church now.....

Then I remembered something somebody told me about years ago.......I started searching the whole house for an elastic band......I tied it to the buttonhole and all of a sudden I had an extra few centimetres!   See the photo!

I won't suggest you make use of this a lot, but it surely is a great saviour in case of emergency!

I thought afterwards that those elastic things the boys wear around their arms will work great.....very strong elastics.......ha ha!

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