Sunday 31 March 2013

Project 200....roosterkoek/stokbrood

As I have explained before.....we 'braai' (BBQ)in South Africa.  Any reason, any place.....with indoor 'braais' getting more and more popular, we don't even just do it in summer only's a all year round thing now!

This is a very old favourite from when we were kids.....we used to have long sticks, and everybody got their own piece of dough and you had to turn it around the stick and made sure you secured it well, because many a childs 'stokbrood' landed up in the ashes!

We still make it from time to time, but in a more civilised way.  It is still a favourite for kids to do around a campfire though, does not matter how old they are!  But for everyday purposes, the easy way......

Buy a breads' dough from your local supermarket.  Allow to double in size, and then cut it in squares.  First 'braai' your meat, and when the fire has cooled down slightly, place your dough pieces on top of the grill and allow to rise out nicely before turning them to do the other side.

They are great hot or cold, but I don't think anything can come to a nice hot buttered 'roosterkoek'!

You do get instant ones packed in sixes in our country, but I prefer it the traditional way.  Well, sort of traditional....I suppose you can knead the dough yourself......but that's hard work! 

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