Wednesday 6 March 2013

Project 173: good oldfashioned tomatosalad

Look at my harvest from the other morning.....pretty!

I don't think anyone who has never eaten tomatoes from his own garden has tasted the sunshine in a tomato......whether from a pot on your balcony, or planted between your flowers, or from a real veggie long as you have nurtured it yourself...the taste is just soo much better than out of season shop bought ones produced for masses....

If you ever make the effort to grow your own tomato plant, you will even be surprised at how much tomatoes one plant can produce.  It is really worth the try!....and a tomato plant just grows anywhere!

I can still remember basic tomato salads from childhood..... even today I'll easily slice some fresh tomatoes....with or without some onions....add some vinegar and coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper.  Place in the fridge to cool nicely if you don't eat it straight away!  A small dash of olive oil and fresh basil from your windowsill even makes it better!

My middle son loves this as well, and we often have it for lunch after a hot day at school.  We both with our own bowl of tomatoes......we don't like to share!

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