Saturday 30 March 2013

Project 195...plant beans

For us here in South Africa it is the end of summer planting, but for you guys on the other side of the world, you only start now.

I don't have a large vegetable patch anymore since we moved to town.  I just want to motivate you to plant where ever you are....even on your balcony!  I only had five(yes, that's correct...five!) bean stalks this past summer, but look what I have harvested!

I have harvested this amount of beans once, and sometimes twice a week from my five stalks!  It was not enough for curried bottled ones, but the access crop was frozen and will bring me far into the winter, maybe still seeing spring!

I therefore want to encourage you...even if you only have space for two stalks, it is worthwhile!

PS.  I save the green ends when processing the veggies, and work it back into the garden.  At the end of the season, even the leaves will go back into the ground.  Apparently this is very good for your soil.  On the plot I always used my own homemade compost exclusively, but now I am forced to use shop bought compost.  I still use
the bean plants however.
                                                       THIS WAS JUST PRETTY! 

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