Saturday 30 March 2013

project 192.....a felt mobile

I saw these pretty colours felt at our local craft shop.  Without knowing what I wanted to make, I bought four pieces.  I later decided to make birds.....

I made this mobile with the first four.....

I divided the piece of felt in four smaller squares.  I then made myself a bird pattern from a piece of cardboard, and cut my birds.  I then used the off-cuts to make wings, beaks and eyes.  The smaller bits I stitched onto the bird pattern with blanket stitch with a contrasting colour of  crochet yarn.  I then used spare beads to make flowers on the wings, and glass beads on the eyes.  I have sewn the two bird halves together with blanket stitch then leaving a small space for the stuffing.  Finish off after stuffing it tightly.

I then crochet some strings with beads in between to hang between the birds and finished it off with bows made from organza ribbon.  Easy gift to make for a friends baby room.....

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