Monday 1 October 2012

Project 92.......banana bread

Over the years I have tried many banana bread recipes, but has never been successful.  They always break.  I ended up making banana bread muffins for years, as they worked.  On Sunday my youngest son asked for banana I took a recipe from the book "kook en geniet" as this book taught many young South African girls to cook......and it worked!  For the first time in my life I baked a perfect banana bread!  My family was so impressed, the second one is in the oven at the moment!

The recipe as it was published(translated though):

125 ml margarine
250 ml sugar
5 ml vanilla
2 eggs
500 ml flour
10 ml baking soda
2.5 ml salt
4-6 bananas


1.  Preheat the oven to 180*C(350*F).  Butter a small bread pan thoroughly.
2.  Cream the butter and sugar and add the vanilla.
3.  Add the eggs one by one and mix well after each one.
4.  Add the sifted dry ingredients to the egg mixture.
5.  Crush the bananas with a fork and add it to the mixture.
6.  Mix everything well and pour it in the pan.
7.  Bake for an hour.
8.  Cut in slices and butter.

* The bread is tastier if it stands in a container for a few day.(Not possible in my family!)
* Whole grain flour can be used in stead of cake flour.

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