Saturday 13 October 2012

project 106****************pineapple beer**************

Of all the things in the kitchen to do I think I hate peeling a pineapple most! I don't even buy pineapples!  But my husband does......then it lies in the fruit basket for some time and most of the times the peel is unusable because it gets marks on it from lying! Last week I peeled two I made pineapple of the families favourites that they are deprived from because I don't peel them in time!

Use the peels of about 2-3 large pineapples.  Wash it before you peel it.  Place the peels in a bucket with about 7 litres of lukewarm water, 1-1.25kg sugar, 1 packet of instant yeast and a hand full of raisins.  Close the bucket and leave to stand for about 24 hours.  Strain it through a muslin cloth and cool.  Serve with ice blocks.........actually good to peel the pineapple in time.....

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