Wednesday 19 September 2012

project 82'''''''''''''''''''''''crochet scarve'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

I made this scarf from leftover wool.  I had little bits of three colours left and the scarf just happened......

I started by making flower motifs.  After playing around with them, I decided to make a scarf.  I was not sure if the wool would be enough, so I crocheted rectangles to add in between.  I've sewn some flowers in a rectangle, sewn a flower rectangle onto a plain one, then another flowered one, then a different plain one....repeating the pattern to have both sides the same.  I then gave it some tassells to end it off.....

I had so many compliments on it and one of the elderly ladies in church even borrowed it "to get the pattern"!.  She then made some that she sold to a boutique in the neighbouring town! 
You can use your own favourite crochet pattern for flowers, or just get one from the net!  Fabulous way to use up little bits of wool! 

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