Tuesday 4 September 2012

Post 75*********coffee pork chops*******

My children's favourite pork chop recipe!  I have been making this for years, and if you leave it up to them, this will be the only way for pork chops to be cooked!  But I must admit, it is quite a nice sauce!

I save leftover percolated coffee for this recipe, but have used instant coffee before, and it works as well.  But why discard leftover percolated coffee if it can give you a great pork chop?

Place your pork chops in an oven pan.  In a separate bowl, mix 2 cups of black coffee, 1 tsp ginger powder, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/2 cup apricot jam and 20 ml maizena.  Pour it over your pork chops and bake it in your oven until done.  I sometimes put some foil over it for a while, this way your sauce does not dry out too quick, but it is not necessary.

I think I should try this sauce with chicken some time in the future......wonder why I never thought of it before?

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