Tuesday 4 September 2012


These are the easiest cookies I have ever made!  And they are good as well!

This morning I was busy preparing for my weekly cookie baking session.  My son is at home today, as they are busy writing matric trial exams, and he is not writing today.  He then requested that we try something different, as I opted for custard cookies and he does not like custard.  So the two of us went to google and just opened the first page with cookie recipes.  Paging through some recipes, he asked why I don't just do the first one on the cover page.  When I opened the recipe, I could not believe this was the only ingredients!  I then read the reviews, and for sure.....this was all it needed!  I had to try it!  My son and hubby were both impressed, and I am sure I'll make these again!......The only problem......the original recipe said it will make 72 cookies......I only got 60, and they were minute!  Next time I'll make them slightly bigger, but then I'll probably have 36 only!

Preheat your oven to 190*C.  Mix 1 cup of butter, 2 1/2 cups of flour(the original recipe had only two cups, so decide for yourself) and 1/2 cup of sugar.  Roll small balls, and press it down with your thumb to make a slight hole in it.  Do not press too hard, as it cracks easily and the jam just runs over it.  Now place 1/4 - 1/2 tsp of your favourite jam in every hole.  Bake for 15 minutes.

Ever seen such an easy recipe?  It is worthwhile trying it! 

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