Tuesday 4 September 2012

Project 69........savoury rice

This one saved me many times before! It's easy, looks good and tastes fantastic!  It can spruce up any ordinary meal, without much effort!

Fry a diced onion or two and a diced green pepper or two in a little oil until cooked.  Remove it from your pan with a slotted spoon, and throw in some uncooked rice.  Fry that now in the same oil until it is brown and the rice looks like small popped rice.(My son says it looks like maggots! Sorry to mention this, but it will give you an indication what it is going to look like after frying the rice!  PS. I am a nurse and I think nurses can handle comments like this!)

Take your pan from the stove and pour some water in.  Now add your onions and green peppers again, as well as two chicken stock blocks and a nice heap of crushed garlic.  See that you have adequate ventilation, as this can cause some smoke if your rice is very hot still.  Cook your rice without a lid until soft, and season with seasoned salt.  We use Aromat in South Africa, but it will depend on what you have.  I ran out of Aromat before and used normal salt, and it was just as good, but I do like the Aromat taste more.......

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