Monday 3 September 2012

project 68.......propagating a plant

I've tried often before to propagate lavender cutlings, but with no success.  When we moved to our new house, I decided to try again.  I also made cutlings from my many pellargoniums, as I love them.  I am sure I was made to live in the other favourite is rosemary......

Each and everytime I cut a sprig from my rosemary plant to use for cooking, I just push the tip of the sprig in a potplant in my window sill.....and they just grow!  I have given so many gifts of rosemary plants over the years!  And I think I have about ten going on the patio and the windowsill now at the current moment!

Well, before moving to the new house, I made cutlings from the lavender and the pellargoniums and nursed them on my kitchen windowsill throughout the winter.  I simply drowned the stems in water, then dipped them in hormone powder and planted them in pottingsoil mixed with a little compost.  

Look how lovely they are!  I have already planted some of the lavender in the garden, but am waiting a little on the pelargoniums, as it is very dry at the moment, and although they can survive drought well, I do not want to plant them out in these conditions.  I even noticed some flowers starting as well! and easy way to plant your favourites!    

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