Wednesday 19 September 2012

Project 78....making a paper birdhouse

The other night at work I unpacked the new stock that arrived during the day.  For one or other reason I don't know why I always get the unpacked stock......we are a whole department and I am usually the one to unpack the stock!.......Sooo frustrating!.....

Well, busy unpacking I saw all the empty boxes.....and four o'clock the next morning when it was difficult to keep my eyes open, I built a cardboard box birdhouse or two, using masking tape to put it together.....

The next evening I packed modge podge, paintbrushes, newspapers and fancy gift wraps.....I was so busy that I could not even touch a thing.....

Eventually later in the week we had some quiet times round about three o'clock so I finished it off....with the aircon the modge podge dried very quickly and my house was done in a jiffy.....

I covered the whole house with newspaper, and then stuck some giftwrap all over showing pieces of newspaper.  I then cut letters from the newspapers and formed some words.  To add the last bit, I cut a bird from a newspaper, stuck it to a piece of cardboard and stuck the bird in the door....I then modge podged the whole thing a few layers....and that's it!  

 My husband did not like it, but I thought it is pretty cool...... 

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