Wednesday 19 September 2012


These are nice!  They melt in your mouth......when my lavenders have flowers I am going to try the same dough with lavender.......

I got the recipe from the net somewhere some time ago.  On Saturday my mom blessed me with a bag full of lemons, so I had to try this one.  The original recipe said....lemon melting moments....decide for yourself....

You will need:  200g margarine/butter, 1/4 t salt, 1/2 cup icing sugar, 1 1/2 cups flour, 1/2 cup maizena, 1 t vanilla, zest of one lemon......Mix everything and roll small balls, press them down with a fork and bake for 20 minutes @ 150*C.

Let them cool properly, and then mix 1 cup icing sugar, 50g butter and juice of one lemon in your mixer.  Stick two cookies together with the icing in between.  They say on the original recipe that the cookies can last for 5 days in an airtight container.....can not prove that one though as everything in this house only last till the next morning....if we are lucky!

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