Monday 3 September 2012

Project 67.....planting a punnet of pansies for spring

It is I get really excited about working in the garden.  Unfortunately we had a very dry summer and water restrictions are called for during winter.  So we are not allowed to water our gardens, except if we are prepared to pay a fine.  Living in a pastors house the budget does not allow us to pay unneccasary fines....

So we don't know what we have in this new houses garden, and it therefore makes it very difficult to plant anything in the current flower beds as nothing has started growing yet.  We water with our recycled water, but I don't think it is enough.

During winter I planted sweetpea seeds in my hanging baskets.  In all my years of gardening I never had any success with sweetpeas!  So I got a packet in a gardening magazine(a local one called 'tuinier' that I spoil myself with every month) and I attempted planting them again!  This time in hanging baskets!  I already saw my beautiful sweetpea flowering baskets for spring day!  No success!  The photos of the flowers must go in for the competition already, and I have one feeble sweetpea plant from all the seeds! And it was springday! I went to our local hardware store and bought myself a punnet of pansies specially for spring day!  And I planted them in the sweetpea baskets! 

So go out and buy yourself a small tray of pansies for spring and brighten your day!

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