Saturday 27 April 2013

Project 215.....chichen pasta sauce

This is my own recipe!  I made it the other night and took some leftovers for lunch the next day.  One of the doctors passed the whilst I was eating.  I did not even think he even noticed me, but the next day he came to ask me the recipe for the chicken I had for lunch the day before!  I had to write it down, and after his lunch hour, he came to tell me he has just bought the ingredients, and that he was cooking it that night.  He brought some for lunch the next day and had all the ladies raving about his cooking skills!  They all tasted, and was very impressed with him!

Sort your onions in a little butter and olive oil.  Add some garlic and freshly grated ginger.  Add a chilli.  Add chicken cubes and cook until almost done. Add some green peppers(cut into strips). and thereafter some mushrooms.

Add some flour and stir through your mixture.  Add salt and pepper to taste.  Now add about 3-4 tablespoons of chunky peanut butter and milk.  I had half a tin of coconut milk in the fridge that I added as well.  Stir until thickened.  Add some grated cheese just before serving. 

Serve with pasta.  I did this one with spinach tagliatelle.

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