Monday 1 April 2013

I'm blessed with another pretty flower

Now there's one thing I wonder about ......if I am pinching a piece of a plant from a deserted it stealing or what?  I don't take the whole plant....just a small branch.....nobody lives in the house.....and I don't use hormone powder before adding it to the soil.....ha ha....maybe I just want to soften my conscience a little.....see, I take it like this.....I'm propagating on a more natural way....and if I had to have the plant, it would grow naturally!.....I'm keeping the earth green!

I would love to hear from you on this one!

Anyhow...I saw this beautiful geranium outside an empty house some time ago, and after passing the plant several times during my daily walk with my friend, I decided to pick a small piece.....

I've put it directly into the soil....kept it on my kitchen windowsill...and look what I got!  The most beautiful red flower and some more buds!  Now I wonder if I'll be forgiven for this stolen treasure?

Worst of all....I passed the house again the other day....still empty....and somebody stole the pots!  Gee!  Not even a branch only!......I would not go that far!

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