Sunday 21 April 2013

Project 213: a polka dot cake

I had to try it, and although my cake was heavy, and the texture was not nice, the dots came out well, and I decided to share that only.  You can use your own cake batter recipe.

I mixed a batch of cake batter, and coloured small batches with food colouring.  Using my knowledge from art class, I mixed some colours to get the ones I side not have.  I made muffins from this.

After the muffins cooled down, I cut them in cylinders with a cookie cutter, and arranged them on their sides in the cake tin.  I then poured a new mix of the batter on top, and baked it as usual.

Cutting through the cake, you can see the polka dots! Wow!

I used my giant cupcake pan, and the top ones muffin  turned on its side.  Next time I'll use a normal cake pan......and another batter recipe....

The kids did not mind the texture, and just ate!

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