Wednesday 23 January 2013

Project 153: Rosy fairy lights

I made a girly string of fairy lights when I still had my little shop.  The other day I found them again after looking for something else.  I had to share it, as most of the stuff I share are not girly girly......

As you know by now..... I am a mother of many boys....and the friends are boys......and all of my friends only have boys....the whole family only has boys..... so you land up not having a lot of girly things around you!  Especially not pink!  It can still be slightly girly, but oh boy!  Just not pink!

That is why this string has been forgotten!  It's pink!

I used a cheap string of fairy lights.  I then used leftover ribbons and pieces of lace to make flowers.  I ruffled them together at the bottom with a piece of cotton, and then used cotton thread to fasten them around the lights.

If I only had a little girl......!

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