Monday 7 January 2013

Project 147: sangria

What do you do with a red wine you do not like?  Make sangria!  And even the ones criticising the wine drink it!

I still had some plums!  So I removed the pips and soaked the plums in strawberry liqueur overnight.  You can use anything you like though to soak your fruit, and you can use any other fruit as well.  I just happen to have plums and strawberry liqueur!

About half an hour before you need it, mix 1 litre of red wine, 2 litres of lemonade/sprite/ginger ale and your soaked fruit(with the liqueur) together and pour in jugs.  Serve with lots of ice.

Even my mom drinks this and she hates red wine! I did not know if she was aware of the alcoholic fact of the sangria until she offered some to my under age teenagers!  I had to stop her!

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