Monday 7 January 2013

Project 149: crochet a wire bracelet

I used a very fine silver wire to do this.  Don't laugh!  I went to the electric department in the hardware shop and looked for a wire with these fine silver wires inside!  I found a stove wire, removed the rubber covering and had a nice bunch of very fine wires!

I cut them in about 60 cm pieces to make it easier to work with.  I strung some beads onto it and started crocheting with a normal crochet hook, spreading the beads evenly.  It depends on yourself how wide you want it.  Simply start with chain stitches to the desired width.  Continue with chain stitches  when you turn, just do slip stitches here and there.  When you come to the end of a piece of wire work the ends into the finished part and start with a new piece of wire.  Fasten your findings at the end by stringing the wires through the crochet piece.  Quite pretty!

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