We have quite a large family.....4 brothers and sisters and a stepbrother as well, as my mom got married again years after my own father passed away.
All except my one brother are married and then again except for one all has kids.
On my husbands side there are four kids as well.
So to remember all the birthdays and wedding anniversaries sometimes become a problem. My brother phoned me two years ago on his birthday 'Sis, happy birthday to me!'
Last year nobody phoned me on my wedding anniversary, so I decided to make calenders for the whole family adding all the important dates, things like matric exams, etc. and public holidays. I added the seasonal sports as well, so that we all can remember to ask how it is going with the boys sports as well. Yes, we have a lot of boys in this family, and only my stepbrother has girls!
I love doodling, so I doodled at night when it was quiet at work and made all the months differently.
I then made photo copies and went to the local stationary shop to ring bind them with see through covers.
My husband thought it was a stupid idea, but after seeing the end result, he requested some for the church as well! Luckily I saved the original, and will take all the families names out and enter the church members birthdays!
Thanks Sandra, what a special gift! I promise not to forget your anniversary this year :)) xxxx