Monday 7 January 2013

Project 146: plums in red wine

Having such a lot of plums.......had to test this!

2 pieces cinnamon sticks
1 litre dry red wine
400g caramel sugar
6 whole cloves
2 star aniseed
1.6kg plums

Add together the cinnamon, wine, sugar, cloves and aniseed.  Heat slowly and stir for sugar to dissolve and then simmer for 5 minutes.

Prick your plums with a toothpick and add to the syrup.  Heat through slowly.

Place your plums in a layer in a bowel/dish and pour the wine over.  close with glad wrap and allow to stand for 12 hours. 

After 12 hours, heat through again and place back in your bowel again. seal it again after pouring the liquid over again.

After 12 hours, repeat the whole process again and then bottle it when still hot pouring the wine syrup over and seal immediately.  Allow to stand for 4 weeks before eating.  Can't wait to open it as it smells divine!

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