Sunday 17 February 2013

Project 163....rose jam

I always wanted to do this, but just never got that far!

The other day I picked a nice bunch of roses at the hospital.  They had the loveliest fragrance, so I decided that it is worthwhile trying this right there and then!  What a surprise!  The jam really has that rosy taste!  I was so impressed that I made another colour from my own garden a few days later just to see the difference in colour!

The boys were less enthusiastic, so I fooled them by using the jam on thumbprint cookies.......they finished the whole batch!  My youngest does enjoy the jam as is though.......

Weigh your petals and use 500 ml of water for 500g of petals with 400g of sugar and 45 ml of lemon juice.

Add the petals to the water and boil until soft.  Remove the pot from the stove, add the sugar and lemon juice and stir until sugar is dissolved, and then place back on the stove.  Cook for about half an hour until it reaches softball stadium.

Bottle warm and seal.

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