Sunday 17 February 2013


It is my job to provide decorations in church on Sundays.  Sometimes you just have one or two flowers in your garden after a hailstorm, and you really have to use your imagination!  I am quite good at using book, ostrich eggs. peacock feathers, etc!

It was communion last Sunday, and murphies law.....only three roses in the whole garden after a stormy Saturday night!  And they did not even have decent stems!

But they're my favourites in the whole garden, so I made a plan....

I have large glass vases that comes in handy in crises situations. I poured a little water at the bottom.  I then added some dry willow branches, and placed the flowers inside the vase.  With a copperish drape added on the outside falling down the standard  matching the brownish pink roses, it finished off the picture......pretty.....pretty!
......another pic that does not want to rotate!......

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