Saturday 4 May 2013

project 223.....half circle flags

This was a team effort, but they are working so well, I had to show you.

As you know by now, we have a dance group at church, and the more we dance, the more excited we get!  My one friend said the other day she can not stand still anymore during the worship....she just wants to move! Surely something to get involved in!

She cut half circles and over locked them.  I then put a wide hem in on the straight lines  leaving a small space in the middle for a stick to go through.

Cut your stick slightly longer than half of the flag.  I used a pencil sharpener to sharpen the end and glued a large wooden bead to the end.  When you hold your flag, you pinch the bead between your fingers, and it is so easy now to move the flag.

String your wooden stick only in the one half, leaving the other half to hang loosely.  Staple the material to the stick at the two ends with a staple gun.

Try moving it now!  It has these lovely 'flowy'  movements!

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