Monday 13 May 2013

Project knead bread

I made this super easy bread the other of the easiest breads I've ever made!  I've adapted the recipe a little by adding the sugar.  The original recipe did not have sugar, but maybe I am a little silly.....I always think that you need a little sugar when you use yeast.....and the original recipe had much more salt.

 cups flour
1 packet of instant yeast
1 tsp salt
1 1/2 cups lukewarm water
2 tsp sugar

Mix everything with a wooden spoon and keep in a warm place to double in size. 

Put some olive oil on your hands and place your dough in an iron pot with a lid, or a pan with a lid or use foil.

Allow to double in size again. Bake at 180*C for half an hour with lid on, brush with olive oil and then bake open for 15 minutes.

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