Monday 27 May 2013

Project 230....spinach stuffed chicken pieces

I made this the other night.  I did not have deboned chicken, so I just used boned ones, but I think with deboned pieces it can even be better, as it was so tasty.  With deboned pieces you can even add more of the filling!

Blanch same spinach until just wilted.  Place in food processer and chop finely.  Add some garlic, salt and pepper, grated cheese and a little cream.

Rub your chicken pieces with some cajun-spice.  Make slits in your chicken and fill with stuffing.  Take a bacon rasher or two and wrap your chicken in it and secure with toothpicks.

Cover for about 3/4 hour when starting to bake at about 180-200*C.  Take off the lid or foil and allow to brown for about 15 minutes.

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