Friday 7 December 2012

project 133******pretty posy******

I love flowers, and if I had to make a career change, it would definitely be doing flowers full time!  Unfortunately many people don't even see the flowers around with this one......

I like to put some flowers in the foyer of our casualty department.....whatever the garden produces....

The other morning I could only find three small pink roses.  I then saw the Christmas roses(hydrangeas) are starting to bloom.  I picked one and a few of the leaves.  I placed it in a container and arranged the leaves around it at the bottom. and placed the three roses inside the hydrangea flower.  When the day staff came, they thought it was pretty and asked where I got the flowers....nobody ever saw the hydrangea bush at the entrance.....ever!  Quite sad to pass the flowers in life without seeing them!

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