Thursday 15 November 2012

Hi Everybody!

I have not forgotten about you......I was sick in bed!  I had bronchitis for a week, and just as I thought I was better, I fell ill again!  This time around diagnosed with pleurisy......and if you know me.....I can not not feel well!  Totally against my constitution!

Well, I've been busy doing small things as usual, but just not had the time to go and sit to download the snaps!  Will try to do this somewhere this week, as I started working night duty again last night.

It was soooo hot today, I only slept for three hours, then decided to get up as I was just rolling around.  I weeded my vegetable garden......the entire garden!  It feels like I have lost a kilo or two because of the heat and totally not feeling like working night duty tonight!

Oh yes....and I took some photo's for the photography club tonight.  My husband will take mine with, and has to take the judgement on my behalf!  I did not plan to do it, so it was a last minute decision!  Luckily the theme this week is flowers, and with the summer now in full swing in South Africa, it was not difficult to find something to snap on number 99!  I'll plan for the next meeting....I think I am the only one without a game plan at this stage!

I've made some nice horseradish pickles this past week, and done some crochet work as well.  My long term quilt.. is done as well, and I'll share some photo's......

For now I am off to work.  I really pray that we'll have a quiet night in casualty....

Have a great day, and keep reading please!

Lot of love

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