Tuesday 27 November 2012

Project 117.....a jacket from my husbands t-shirt

A while ago my husband gave me one of his t-shirts that was too small.  I did not wear it as it was too big, but saw something like this on the net and planned to make it some time in the future.  Then my hubby started loosing weight with this exercising and I was too scared that he might ask it back, so I immediately cut the sleeves out and opened it in front!  After all, I did not have one of my own to do this with!

I also cut the rib-trim around the neckline out.  I've given all the edges hems.  I then gathered the shoulders in and ended it off by adding a selection of buttons to the shoulders and two rosettes I made from the sleeves. 

Cute little jacket to wear with a strappy top.....can't wait to see what he throws out next!

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