Monday 8 July 2013


This one is my own recipe!  Created yesterday when I realised the bacon was finished, and I already cooked the potatoes for potato soup!  So I made a plan.....

Boil about 6 large potatoes until soft.  I use the pressure cooker for this as it saves time.  Mash half the potatoes and cut the rest into large chunks.

Saute two large onions and two chopped chicken breasts until done.  Add a teaspoon of thyme. half a teaspoon of paprika, salt and pepper to taste.  Add your potatoes, two chicken stock blocks and a litre of water.  Allow to cook through.  Now add a litre of milk and heat through.  Add two cups of grated cheese.  I served it with cream for those who wanted a richer soup, as it is quite creamy already and I knew the kids does not like it that rich......I must is even tastier with the extra calories!

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