Thursday 19 July 2012

project 27 *********easy peasy gloves***********

The other day my mom gave me a Tunisian crochet needle.  She got it with some other needle work stuff from an elderly lady who could not use it anymore.  My mother did not know how to do Tunisian crocheting....and I new!

These gloves came from my demonstration to show her how to do it!  I had a square and thought....I've already put the effort in...I could just as well make another one....

I uses 26 stitches, and crocheted 22 rows.  I then finished it off  by folding it double.  I have sown it together 7 row, leaving 7 open and sown the other 7 rows again.  This left me with a tube.  I then took a fluffy wool and did a row of double trembles-two per stitch-at both ends and around the opening for the thumb.

I showed it off at work. and one of my colleagues claimed it for herself!  I took a photo because I didn't think I was going to make another pair.  Needless  to say....I have made another 6 pairs this past week and my son ordered a navy blue pair for school....without the fluffs mom!

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