Thursday 19 July 2012

project 31-planter jar

I am always getting new ideas for old things.....When I saw this one, I had to make it!

I used an old glass jar, a doilie from my grandma, some ribbons, hand full of pebbles, some potting soil and a succulent....

Picture will tell it all!  Can't wait for the plant to multiply! 

Project 30: Red Velvet Cupcakes....with my own twist

My three boys are all colourblind....genitic disorder....and I never thought that my cooking skills would be judged because of this!

I saw these red velvet cupcakes all over Pinterest and had to make them!  The cookies were red, red, red....but my boys saw brown!  Why try something different?  Well.... at least they said I should make them again!


1/2 cup butter
1 1/2 cups white sugar
2 eggs
1 cup buttermilk
1 tsp red foodcolouring (powdered type.  I saw they use 30ml of the liquid stuff)
1 tsp vanilla essens
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
2 cups flour
1 tbsp white vinegar
1/2 cup cocao
1 tsp salt

Mix all and bake 20-25 minutes in a preheated oven of 175*C.

I then did the twist......I have squirted caramal condense milk with a star nozzle attatche to the icing bag into the centre of  the cupcakes......divine!  You don't see this, and when you bite you have these caramal centres.....Yum!

I covered it with normal white frosting.

Whether they were red or brown.....they only lasted from mornin' till noon!

project 29....herb infused vinegar oil

making this for years....and using it to cook and salad dressing......easy....easy....easy.....and getting better the longer it stand...............

pour half your container full of oil(olive better, but normal cooking oil works just as well)....fill the rest of the bottle with vinegar.........I like using brown vinegar as it makes a definite line between the two ingredients....but I use white vinegar as well with times....I suppose balsamic will be great as well....

then add fresh garlic, fresh rosemary and thyme, a hand full of peppercorns and some mustard seeds.....whatever you feel like.....

allow to stand for a week or two before using.........

project 28.........upcycled wine bottle

I made this one for herb infused oil a while ago.  Ever since I have made it in different sizes and shapes.  They come in very handy for homemade salad dressings as gifts when you use smaller bottles.

All you will need is a bottle, glass beads and crafter's wire.....

Start by stringing the beads onto the wire.  Take another piece of wire and make a twist with the two pieces of wire and string again.  Fit it around your bottle giving the wires a twist or two when you change direction.  when you get to the end of your wire hide the ends by stringing it back in a finished row of beads.


project 27 *********easy peasy gloves***********

The other day my mom gave me a Tunisian crochet needle.  She got it with some other needle work stuff from an elderly lady who could not use it anymore.  My mother did not know how to do Tunisian crocheting....and I new!

These gloves came from my demonstration to show her how to do it!  I had a square and thought....I've already put the effort in...I could just as well make another one....

I uses 26 stitches, and crocheted 22 rows.  I then finished it off  by folding it double.  I have sown it together 7 row, leaving 7 open and sown the other 7 rows again.  This left me with a tube.  I then took a fluffy wool and did a row of double trembles-two per stitch-at both ends and around the opening for the thumb.

I showed it off at work. and one of my colleagues claimed it for herself!  I took a photo because I didn't think I was going to make another pair.  Needless  to say....I have made another 6 pairs this past week and my son ordered a navy blue pair for school....without the fluffs mom!

project 26....a pretty cool birfeeder

The other day I made this pretty cool bird feeder.......and I got my sons approval!  He said it was the coolest thing I've ever made!  I can not agree on that one, but I thought  it was pretty cool as well!

All you will need to make one is a twig wreath, a plastic bowl(I used one from an old flower arrangement), some fine wire and ribbon, lace and flowers to make it pretty.

I made small holes on the sides of the bowl and tied it to the wreath with some florist wire.  I then decorated it with odds and ends lying around.

I was very pleased with myself when I saw a birdie investigating it half an hour after I hung it in a tree!  Pretty cool I'd say!

Sunday 15 July 2012

murphy's law

Ever heard of Murphy's law going for you?   This is what is happening to me trying to keep this blog up! 

I got my own computer after my son upgraded recently! I always had to share with my husband!  Now I've loaded some projects....and now the computers port(I hope I've used it correctly!) is broken!  I can not download the pictures!  Sorry!

At least the whole household will be back to normal from tomorrow as the boys are going back to school.  I will therefore try to download the pictures from one of the other computers during the week!

I can't wait for the day that I'll be able to do this blog without any 'glidges'!

Hang in there!  I am coming soon to this space, and boy oh boy! I intend to keep you busy!


Thursday 5 July 2012

voila! I found my password!

Hi there!

Starting to believe my sons!  They are convinced their mom is technologically retarded and not even impaired! 

I lost my password and could not access my blog!  But....after many failed attempts I entered the correct one!  Can one girl be so lucky?

Well, I made quite a few things the past month and will start posting tomorrow!

Watch this space!
