Saturday, 30 March 2013

Project 194.....grandma's toast

We used to live in the Transvaal when we were kids. During school holidays we used to go down to Port Elizabeth by train to visit my grandmother.  It was a long journey, as we had to go to Johannesburg first from where we stayed and had to change trains up there.  My mother always used to be very tensed at this time, and up till today, I can not understand it!  It is so easy to change trains!  Anyhow, maybe it has something to do with the fact that we were four kids with a six year difference from me the eldest to my youngest brother!

School holidays at my grandmother was cool!  We travelled to the city by bus, and sometimes went to the beach...things that small town kids like us were not used to!  And gee!  If the shopping centre had a lift or escalator!  That was just heaven!  We would wait ages for the lift to come to go one level up or down!  And my grandmother was patient.....very patient!

Well, she used to make us these toasts at lunchtimes, and up till today, I still make it for my kids from time to time....

My grandma is in her nineties now, and went to the old age home for the first time last year.  All the years she used to stay in her own house, and gee. was it neat and clean!  I've never seen clean floors like hers anywhere!  You could walk into her house anytime of the was always spotless....with shiny floors.....done by herself!

So this morning whilst making this, I thought I'll share it, as every time I make it, I have good memories....

Pack your bread in a baking tin.  Allow a vienna per slice and cut each vienna in halve and then half in lengths again so that you have four thin slices of vienna.  At this stage you can butter your bread, although she never did.  She believed that there is enough fat in the vienna and the cheese, and that you certainly does not need anymore!  I do butter it though if I use sandwich slice cheese as it is not so fatty as normal cheddar.  If I use grated cheddar I omit the butter(does make a better product this way!  Unfortunately I forgot to take cheese out of the freezer, and the only defrosted ones I had this morning was slices!  Anyhow the boys don't mind!)

Place your four pieces of vienna on top of your bread, then your cheese, some sliced tomato, or cherry tomatoes like I did, and season it well with Aromat(a seasoned salt).  I think this is the secret ingredient as I've tried it with salt and pepper before, but just not the same results. 

Place it in the oven and allow to grill until the toast hardens and the viennas start to curl up slightly.

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