Friday, 8 March 2013

Happy birthday Blog!

I totally forgot my Blogs' birthday the 6th!  Sorry Blog!  Happy birthday!

It has been a fun year......Although I did not make my target by having 365 posts, I enjoyed it.....Blogging was also a remedy in a sort of way.....

We moved house, and I was very sad to leave the old house behind.  I felt depressed......and I could not explain to anyone.....after all    I'm a pastors wife!  How could I tell someone I am depressed leaving a worldly thing behind!  But for me it was not only a piece of earth that stayed was kids grew up there.....we've been through very difficult times there....we've healed from past hurts there......difficult to explain, but being in full time ministry sometimes cause such a lot of pain and hurt, and most of the time you have to work through it yourself with Gods grace and mercy......

But blogging with normal everyday stuff helped a lot.....and as I explained to my friend the other night.....everybody does not like everything......what may be great to me, won't always be great to long as I enjoyed it!  You can always find something else you like....and together we can even full fill each would have been so boring if everybody loved the same things!

So this is just to say.....I am still going strong, and I hope we are going to have much fun and pleasure this next year blogging together!

Thanx for all your patience this passed year when I lost my password....when I struggled to download pictures and times when I did not have time to post anything.....

May we all have a great second year doing things in and around our houses!



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