My husband blessed me to take oil paint classes. I always wanted to do it, but just never got so far. The first thing we did, was a colour wheel, and although we all know the colour wheel, it was quite amazing to mix the colours. I always thought to get a darker green, I had to use more green, and less white......You actually use more blue to make it darker, or more yellow to make it lighter! Amazing!
And to mix a brown, you have to mix equal amounts of red, blue and yellow! Now to get different colours of brown, you add more red or yellow.......and more blue to the brown makes a grey! Wow!
We started off by squeezing blue, red and yellow(primary colours) in the corners, and from there we mixed the orange, green, and purple(secondary colours). To make a more reddish orange, we added more red....lighter orange more yellow......same on the green side.....
This is quite a handy tool to have, as I used it in mixing the food colourings to paint the bottles the other day as well. As I said....I always wanted to add more white to change the colour....and I never got the colours I wanted!
By the way....white is not a is light......difficult to understand, but I could even use this to explain to the coach why my son struggle to see the white hockey ball on a white-lightened field at night as he is colourblind....and it made sense!
All three my boys are colourblind in different degrees. It gives colour to our family, as we always have to decide what colour is what! And most of the times my husband and myself(Who are not colourblind!) loose....and we are the only two who can actually see the real colours! Colourblindness has its advantages sometimes....when we go to the Kruger Park, we always come back with the most beautiful pictures as our sons do not miss anything! Apparently they see the outlines of the animals behind the bushes, and we see the bushes....amazing how God created us all differently!
On that note....I am so pleased with my apple I am busy with at class, that I had to give you a peep! Unfortunately the boys told me the apple is square, so I have to fix it next week! Maybe it is my purple background....but looking at it now.....the left side does look square!.
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