Tuesday, 4 December 2012

wot went wong!

Gee....I was just called by my darling hubby to 'please open the shampoo bottle' as he could not figure out how to do it!  I stopped to ask myself the question.....what went wrong!!!!!!  How did I manage to land up in this situation doing these little things for the men in my life?  I mean....really!

I remove frogs from the shower......I change plugs....I drill holes in the walls to hang pictures......I have my own hammer, screwdriver, jigsaw, tilecutter, a few different pliers and and a screwdriver.....what went wrong.....I am a tiny feminine woman living with four men and they can not even open a shampoo bottle! Did I spoil them to this point or can men just not do these things!

Two days ago I woke up finding my husband trying to put the radios speakers into the tv. ports as we have never done it since we moved.  He could not figure out why it was not working.....he had it in the wrong holes.....and the holes are even marked red and white!

The one speaker was not working then.....he had the wires the wrong side around again....and they have been marked as well.....red and blue this time!  Needless to say.....it is working now....

But the sad story is that this even happen at work!  Some time ago we had a busy day at work and around 15h00 I got time to run to the loo for the first time since the morning.  I just sat down when I heard the CEO calling....SANDRA!......SANDRA!.....just getting more and more intense.....I rushed to finish off to react to the emmergency call.....I had to bring him something to his office......any one could have taken the object to the office!  But I have just been called off the toilet........It felt like home.... 

I was on the toilet once before when I heard my husband calling.....BUNNY!....BUBBY!....  I came telling him....'I can't even go to the toilet in peace, then somebody calls BUNNY! Mamma....!'  The next moment the parrot called....BUNNY!

What went wrong!

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