Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Project 74....making a small heart cushion for your doorknob

After I made my scrap material bracelets, I had some of the material left, and decided to make a heart out of it, as it seemed the pieces matched each other well.  I've cut three hearts-one of every piece of material, and the tops slightly different to make uneven hearts.  I then cut each one in half and the other halves in different halves again.  Just make sure that you cut the right side of each half so that you will have a full hart with the front sides facing you.  I've cut separate pink hearts for the backs after I had sown them together, as they were not symmetrical.

Now sow them together and 'pretty' them up with lace, ribbons and whatever.  Sew the backs unto it and fill it with filling.  Remember to sew a ribbon or a piece of lace to the top to hang them.  Quick and easy, and it did not cost me anything!  Can be a good pincushion for a grandmother as well!

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