Wednesday, 4 April 2012

I am way behind with my goal!  Even though I do lots in and around the house, it is sometimes difficult to get the time to come and sit in front of the computer to upload it!  Then half of the time I loose the photos and it takes me even longer to sort it out!  

I had a busy sons braces broke, and we had to go through to the neighbouring town to the orthodontist.....then the other one needed new rugby shops in our town.....again through to the neighbouring town.....this time I decided to do the months groceries over there as I was in town and the new shopping mall opened......3 hours later I had my trolley packed, and stood in the queue to pay....after another hour I got to the till......then there was a power failure!  After a while the power came on.....I have already been in the shop for 4 hours, so I waited patiently....but the computers did not start up!  After another 1/2 hour the computers came back on, and I could pay!  Well, the same evening my youngest who was at a rugby camp, jumped off his bunker bed right onto a friends sports bag who had a pair of scissors in it....couple of stitches later, he was fine....then came the next morning and my eldest had a tummy bug and dad did not know what to do with a vomiting son!    In the meanwhile I was at work and looked forward to a whole months leave in April!!!!  Only to start thinking that somebody with a megaphone must have invited the whole town to the hospital, because I worked my last two days so hard that I will most probably only start relaxing next week!

I am still working on my quilt and will post some of the other things I keep myself busy with tomorrow or so if I can just find the photos!  in the meanwhile I have to do some red pepper pickles or something else with the red peppers.....I'll show the result.....

I think you must start praying for my ability to get the *&%$*(joke!) photos!  I can not understand how it can be a breeze the one day, and the next day it is totally gone!  Ever had that problem?

I hope you have a great evening!  It is getting chillier around here now and you want to go to bed earlier nowadays!  Maybe I am starting to get the holiday feeling!

Sleep well!


Project 22- making potato soup

One of the girls who studied with me passed away a couple of years ago.  One night she had potato soup as a starter in a restaurant and when she came back, she came up with this recipe and she was convinced that it tasted the same.

I've been making this for years now, and every winter when we are having a soup-evening at church, I get commanded to make this soup.  The original recipe from Retha had white onion soup, but I changed it to creamy mushroom soup(less bloating! ha ha!)

Firstly sort a large onion and a packet of bacon until soft in a little olive oil and butter.  Then add about a third of your 10litre pot with half grated, and halve cubed potatoes.  Fill pot 3/4 with water and bring to boil.  Add a heaped tablespoon of crushed garlic, and salt and freshly grounded black pepper to taste.  When the potatoes are soft, mix a packet of creamy mushroom soup powder with half a cup of cold water and mix with potato soup.  Cook through for about 10 minutes, and turn the heat off.  Stir in 250ml fresh cream and eat!

project 21..........making a flat bread.......

This is one of my favourites!  Easier you can not get!

I make this bread if I am in a hurry, and the visitors park in the driveway!  Goes well with soups, pasta and salads, and of course braai!

All you need is a packet of bread dough from your supermarket.....spray your swissroll pan with cooking your dough over the whole pan.....drizzle with olive oil and use a brush to spray the oil over the whole piece of dough......sprinkle with fresh rosemary(use dry rosemary if you do not have fresh ones!), course sea salt and garlic......I sometimes use chillies as well......bake in a preheated oven of 200'C for 20-25 minutes......drizzle with olive oil when coming out of the oven......and there you have it!  By the time you want to feed the guests, the whole house is smelling of freshly baked bread, and you haven't done much!

It depends what I am cooking.....sometimes I mix half balsamic vinegar and half olive oil mixed with garlic and fresh chillies to serve with the bread.  We all break pieces(you can cut if you want too) and dip it in the oil mixture......divine!